
Treptichnus triplex Palij, 1976

1976     Treptichnus triplex sp. nov. — Palij , lk. 74,75, joon. XXIV 3-5
1979     Treptichnus triplex Palij, 1976 — Palij et al. , lk. 71, joon. LI 4-6
1996     Treptichnus triplex Palij, 1976 — Paczesna , lk. 63, joon. Pl. XXIII:2
2005     Treptichnus triplex — Seilacher et al. , joon. text fig. 6
2005     Podolodes triplex (Palij, 1976) — Dzik , joon. Fig. 3C,D
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Palij, V. M., Posti, E., Fedonkin, M. A. 1979. Soft-bodied Metazoa and trace fossils of Vendian and Lower Cambrian. Upper Precambrian and Cambrian Paleontology of East-European Platform, pp. 49-82. Nauka.
Palij, V. M. 1976. Ostatki besskeletnoj fauny i sledy žiznedeâtel'nosti iz otloženij verhnego dokemvriâ i nižnego kembriâ Podolii. Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Upper Precambrian and Lower Paleozoic of the southwest of the East European Platform, pp. 63-77. Naukova Dumka.
Levik kirjandusandmetel
  • Palij et al., 1979   Alam-Kambrium (endine liigestus)
  • Palij, 1976   Kamenets-Podolski puurauk, Podoolia   168 - 168   Alam-Kambrium (endine liigestus)