
Hunnegraptus copiosus Lindholm, 1991

Synonymy list
1991     Hunnegraptus copiosus gen. et sp. nov. — Lindholm , pp. 299-302, fig. 8A-F, 18F, ?H, J
Selection of related publications
Egenhoff, S., Maletz, J. 2007. Graptolites as indicators of maximum flooding surfaces in monotonous deep-water self successions. Palaios 22, 4, 373-383. DOI:10.2110/palo.2005.p05-096r
Lindholm, K. 1991. Ordovician graptolites from the Early Hunneberg of southern Scandinavia. Palaeontology 34, 2, 283-327.
References based on distribution