Apsidoceratidae Hyatt, 1884
Selection of related publications
Kröger, B. 2025. The Lyckholm acme of cephalopods – Review of the late Katian (Vormsi–Pirgu regional stages) Ordovician cephalopods of Estonia. European Journal of Taxonomy 978, 1-168. DOI:10.5852/ejt.2025.978.2801
Frye, M. W. 1982. Upper Ordovician (Harjuan) nautiloid cephalopods from the Boda Limestone of Sweden. Journal of Paleontology 56, 5, 1274-1295.
Stumbur, H. 1955. Eesti NSV ülem-ordoviitsiumi nautiloiididest [Diplomitöö. Juhendaja: A. Rõõmusoks]. pp. 1-159.
Balashov, Z. G. 1953. Svernutye i polusvernutye nautiloidei ordovika Pribaltiki. Trudy Vsesoûznogo Naučno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologo-Razvedočnogo Instituta (VNIGRI) 217-300. Gostoptehizdat.
Strand, T. 1934. The Upper Ordovician Cephalopods of the Oslo Area. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 14, 1-117.
List of species
1. Charactoceras estonicum Strand, 1934 | Pirgu Stage
2. Charactoceras kallholnense Frye, 1982 | Katian
3. Charactoceras raettvikense Frye, 1982 | Katian
4. Charactoceras suecicum Frye, 1982 | Katian
5. Charactoceras triangulum Frye, 1982 | Katian
6. Saxbyoceras kingpooli Kröger, 2025 | Vormsi Stage
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Mollusca |
Class | Cephalopoda |
Order | Barrandeocerida |
Family | Apsidoceratidae |
Genus | Charactoceras |
Saxbyoceras | |
Family | Barrandeoceratidae |
Uranoceratide |