
Cucullograptus pazdroi Urbanek, 1954

Synonymy list
1938     Monograptus sp. — Bulman , pp. 31, fig. 20 c
1954     Cucullograptus pazdroi — Urbanek , pp. 292-297, fig. 1-8
1955     Monograptus eunebeni — Kühne , pp. 386-389, fig. 11-12
1958     Cucullograptus pazdroi — Urbanek , pp. 62-70, fig. 4:4; 32-35
1960     Cucullograptus pazdroi — Urbanek , pp. 177, fig. 13H
1966     Cucullograptus pazdroi Urbanek, 1954 — Urbanek , pp. 519, fig. 25-27; pl 43-45
Selection of related publications
Urbanek, A. 1966. On the morphology and evolution of the Cucullograptinae (Monograptidae, Graptolithina). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 11, 3-4, 292-544.
References based on distribution
  • Urbanek, 1966   Mielnik IG 1 borehole, Poland   974.9 - 1002.5   Silurian