
Vendotaeniaceae Gnilovskaya, 1986

Selection of related publications
Gnilovskaya, M. B. 1979. Vendotenida. Upper Precambrian and Cambrian Paleontology of East-European Platform, pp. 39-48. Nauka.
Aseeva, E. A. 1976. Mikrofitofosilii i vodorosli iz otloženij verhnego dokemvriâ Volyno-Podolii. Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Upper Precambrian and Lower Paleozoic of the southwest of the East European Platform, pp. 40-63. Naukova Dumka.
List of species
2. Divina fibrosa Gnilovskaya, 1979 | Rovno StageLontova Stage
3. Tyrasotaenia podolica Gnilovskaya, 1971 | VendianLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)