
Palaeophycus alternatus Pemberton et Frey, 1982

Taxon description

Pemberton & Frey, 1982

Slightly curved, thinly lined burrows of regularly varying dimensions, finely striated longitudinally and in places distinctly annulated. Striae consist of thin wavy ridges and grooves, best developed where annulations are absent. Known specimens are rarely branced and exibit little burrow collapse. Preserved as hypichnial ridges.

Synonymy list
1982     Palaeophycus alternatus, n. ichnosp. — Pemberton & Frey , pp. 863, fig. 2:6; 3:4,5; 4:1
1990     Palaeophycus alternatus Pemberton & Frey, 1982 — Dam , pp. 134, fig. fig. 11D
1995     Palaeophycus alternatus Pemberton & Frey, 1982 — Buckman , pp. 132