
Lophoctenium comosum Richter, 1851

Taxon description

Chamberlain, 1971

Description.-Intergenic epirelief. Large rooster tails more than 100 mm across with round outside gallery usually not seen. Spreite concentric, curved, 5 to 6 mm wide, and asymmetric ridge with gentle slope on outside face. Small, angular, obliquotransverse ridges of sand alternate with furrows of shale on the outside face of the spreite ridge. Ridges are 2 to 3 mm
wide, diverge from main ridge at approximately 45? with their long face to outside.

Synonymy list
1851     Lophoctenium comosum — Richter , pp. 563
1971     Lophoctenium comosum Richter, 1850 — Chamberlain , pp. 236, fig. 32:9; Text-fig. 6F-H
1989     Lophoctenium comosum Richter, 1851 — Stepanek & Geyer , pp. 21, fig. 4:26-29
1996     Lophoctenium comosum Richter, 1851 — Orr et al. , pp. 249, fig. 8E, F
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioturbation trace fossils