Rusophycus plumei Bradshaw, 1981
Taxon description
Bradshaw, 1981
Description. Small, deep, bilobed hollows preserved as hypichnial ridges (Fig. 53), averaging 10 mm width, 20 mm length and 5 mm deep. A median ridge (appearing as groove) is usually well developed, indenting the steeper anterior end. Posterior end more shallow. Well-preserved specimens (Fig. 54) show 2 sets of scratch marks. A set of 4 transverse scratch marks with a slight posterior direction ornament the steeper anterior end, intersecting at an angle of about 90°. They appear to postdate about 5 pairs of oblique, posteriorly directed scratches which decorate the bottom of the hollow.
Synonymy list
1981 Rusophycus plumei n. ichnosp. — Bradshaw , pp. 645, fig. Fig. 53, 54