
Protovirgularia obliterata (Ksiazkiewicz, 1977)

Current taxon already exists. See initial taxon Protovirgularia rugosa

Taxon ID: 18216
Fossil group: Ichnofossils
Belongs to: Protovirgularia
Other version of taxon: Protovirgularia rugosa
Taxon description

Książkiewicz, 1977

Diagnosis. - Hypichnial cylindrical bilobate full burrow with a shallow median groove and oblique densely spaced irregular incisions.
Synonymy list
1881     Crossochorda marioni — Dewalque
1977     Gyrochorte obliterata — Książkiewicz , pp. 115, fig. pl. 11:9; text fig. 20
2020     Protovirgularia obliterata Ksia˛zkiewicz, 1977 — Morelle & Denayer , fig. Figs. 10A, F-G