
Monograptus subflexilis Přibyl, 1941

Synonymy list
1941     Monograptus subflexilis n. sp. — Přibyl , pp. 3-4, fig. Pl. 1, figs 2–4, ?1
2019     Monograptus subflexilis Přibyl, 1941 — Štorch & Manda , pp. 53, fig. Text-figs 5c–d, f, ?a; 6b, d
Selection of related publications
Štorch, P., Manda, Š. 2019. Little known Homerian (lower Silurian) graptolites from Kosov quarry near Beroun, the Czech republic. Fossil Imprint 75, 1, 44-58. DOI:10.2478/if-2019-0003