
Harlaniella ternavensis Grytsenko, 2021

Taxon description

Grytsenko, 2021a

Description. The positive hyporelief is represented by elongated and slightly curved rollers, which are 2 to 4 cm long with a cross section length of 2.5–3 mm. The surface is covered by thin and unclear oblique hatching. The hatching somewhere has wedge-shaped ornament.

Synonymy list
2021     Harlaniella ternavensis Grytsenko isp. nov — Gryrtsenko , pp. 15, fig. Fig. 5 a–b
Selection of related publications
Grytsenko, V. 2021. Some new ichnospecies stored in the Geological Department of the National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine. Geo&Bio 20, 29-35. DOI:10.15407/gb2004
References based on distribution