
Skolichnus hörnesii (Uchman, 2010)

Synonymy list
1863     Chondrites hörnesii Ettingsh. — Ettingshausen , pp. 463, fig. 1:5
2010     Skolichnus hoernesii (Ettingshausen, 1863) comb. n. — Uchman , pp. 518, fig. 2, 3
Selection of related publications
Uchman, A. 2010. A new ichnogenus Skolichnus for Chondrites hoernesii Ettingshausen, 1863, a deep-sea radial trace fossil from the Upper Cretaceous of the Polish Flysch Carpathians: Its taxonomy and palaeoecological interpretation as a deep-tier chemichnion. Cretaceous Research 31, 5, 515-523. DOI:10.1016/j.cretres.2010.07.002
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Soft-sediment trace fossils
References based on distribution