
Megalomphala contorta (Eichwald, 1856)

Synonymy list
1856     Bellerophon contortus n. sp. — Eichwlad , pp. 587
1859     Bellerophon contortus Eichwald — Eichwald , fig. 41:3
1860     Bellerophon contortus m. — Eichwald , pp. 1072, fig. 41:3
1896     Bucania contorta (Eichwald) — Koken , pp. 391
1897     Bucania contorta (Eichwald) — Koken , pp. 123
1897     Megalomphala contorta (Eichwald) — Ulrich in Ulrich & Scofield , pp. 850
1899     Bellerophon contortus Eichwald — Koken , pp. 377
1900     Bucania contorta (Eichwald) — Wiman , pp. 202
1925     Megalomphala contorta (Eichwald) — Koken & Perner , pp. 67, fig. 25:4, 5, 11
1941     Megalomphala contorta (Eichwald) — Knight , pp. 192, fig. 8:1
Selection of related publications
Eichwald, E. 1856. Beitrag zur geographischen Verbreitung der fossilen Thiere Russlands. Alte Periode. (Fortsetzung. S. Bulletin 1856. N 2. pag. 406.). Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists. Geological series 29, IV, 555-608.
References based on distribution