
Densastroma astroites (Rosen, 1867)

Type specimen data
Synonymy list
1867     Stromatopora astroites n. — Rosen , pp. 62, fig. 2:6-7
1886     Actinostroma ? astroites, Rosen — Nicholson , pp. 229, fig. 6:6-7a
1929     Actinostroma astroites Rosen — Yavorsky , pp. 79, fig. 5:1-2
1962     Actinostroma astroites (Rosen) — Nestor , pp. 16, fig. 7:3-4; 8:2,4
1964     Densastroma astroites (Rosen, 1867) — Nestor , pp. 41, fig. 13:3-4; 14:3-6
1970     Densastroma astroites (Rosen, 1867) — Nestor , pp. 258, fig. 1-6
2007     Densastroma astroites (Rosen, 1867) — Mõtus et Hints, O. , pp. 56
Selection of related publications
Nestor, H. E. 1966. Wenlockian and Ludlovian Stromatoporoidea of Estonia. pp. 1-87. Valgus.
Nestor, H. E. 1964. Ordovician and Llandoverian Stromatoporoidea of Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused 1-112. Valgus.
Nestor, H. E. 1962. A revision of the stromatoporoids described by F. Rosen in 1867. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused IX, 3-23.
References based on distribution