
Thelodus sculptilis Gross, 1967

Synonymy list
1967     Thelodus sculptilis n. sp. — Gross , pp. 13, fig. 2:1-6
1978     Thelodus sculptilis Gross, 1967 — Karatajūtė-Talimaa , pp. 113
Selection of related publications
Märss, T., Turner, S., Karatajūtė-Talimaa, V. 2007. "Agnatha" II. Thelodonti. Handbook of Paleoichthyology, pp. 1-143. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil.
Märss, T. 1992. The structure of growth layers of Silurian fish scales as a potential evidence of the environmental changes. Fossil Fishes as Living Animals, pp. 41-48. Academy of Sciences of Estonia.
Märss, T. 1989. Vertebrates. A Global Standard for The Silurian System. National Museum of Wales, Geological Series 9, pp. 284-289. National Museum of Wales.
Märss, T. 1986. Silurian Vertebrates of Estonia and West Latvia. Fossilia Baltica 1. Fossilia Baltica 1, 1-104. Valgus.