Foraminifera d’Orbigny, 1826
Selection of related publications
McIlroy, D., Brasier, M. D. 2017. Ichnological evidence for the Cambrian explosion in the Ediacaran to Cambrian succession of Tanafjord, Finnmark, northern Norway. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 448, 1, 351-368. DOI:10.1144/SP448.7
Winchester-Seeto, T., McIlroy, D. 2006. Lower Cambrian melanosclerites and foraminiferal linings from the Lontova Formation, St. Petersburg, Russia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 139, 1-4, 71-79. DOI:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2005.07.012
McIlroy, D., Green, O. R., Brasier, M. D. 2001. Palaeobiology and evolution of the earliest agglutinated Foraminifera: Platysolenites, Spirosolenites and related forms. Lethaia 34, 1, 13-29. DOI:10.1080/002411601300068170
Zhigulina, M. S. 1999. A New Species of Foraminifera Luekatiella estonica from the Lower Cambrian of Estonia. Paleontologicheski Zhurnal 5, 23-26.
Lipps, J. H. 1992. Proterozoic and Cambrian Skeletonized Protists. The Proterozoic Biosphere. A Multidisciplinary Study, pp. 237-241.
Schallreuter, R. 1985. Eine weitere kalkschalige Foraminifere aus einem ordovizischen Geschiebe Westfalens. Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen 5, 1-55.
Posti, E. 1978. New finds of platysolenitids and gastropods from the Lontova Stage of Estonia. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Геология 27, 3, 103-107. DOI:10.3176/geol.1978.3.04
Mens, K. A., Pirrus, E. A. 1977. Stratotypes of the Cambrian Formations of Estonia. pp. 1-68. Valgus.
Jankauskas, T., Posti, E. 1973. Micropaleontological characteristic of the stratotype sections of the Estonian Lower Cambrian. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Keemia, Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Химия. Геология 22, 2, 143-148. DOI:10.3176/chem.geol.1973.2.08
Korkutis, V. A. 1966. Tubicolous Worms of the Lower Cambrian of the South of the East Baltic territory. Palaeontology and stratigraphy of the Baltic and the Byelorussia. Number I (VI), pp. 7-29. Mintis.
Öpik, A. 1926. Über den estländischen Blauen Ton. Tartu Ülikooli juures oleva Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aruanded 33, 1, 39-47.
Eichwald, E. 1860. Lethaea Rossica ou Paléontologie de la Russie. Premier volume. Ancienne Période en deux sections. pp. XIX+1–1657. E. Schweizerbart. DOI:10.5962/bhl.title.52391
List of species
6. Blastammina polyedra Eisеnасk, 1932 | Upper Ordovician
10. Luekatiella estonica Zhigulina, 1999 | Lükati Formation
11. Ordovicina monostoma Eisеnасk, 1954 | Ordovician
13. Platysolenites antiquissimus Eichwald, 1860 | Lontova Stage
15. Platysolenites lontova Öpik, 1926 | Lower Cambrian (old nomenclature)
16. Platysolenites spiralis Posti, 1978 | Lower Cambrian (old nomenclature)
Organism group | Biota |
Phylum | Retaria |
Subphylum | Foraminifera |
Suborder | Rotaliina |
Textulariina | |
Family | Allogromiidae |
Genus | Ammolagena |
Amphitremoida | |
Archaeochitina | |
Astrorhiza | |
Blastammina | |
Hyperammina | |
Luekatiella | |
Ordovicina | |
Psammosphaera | |
Pseudoastrorhiza | |
Saccamminopsis | |
Sorosphaera | |
Stegnammina | |
Thurammina | |
Subphylum | Radiolaria |