Homostius latus Asmuss, 1856
Synonymy list
1856 Homostius latus — Asmuss , pp. 36, 38
2000 Homostius latus Asm. — Mark-Kurik , pp. 314
Selection of related publications
Mark-Kurik, E. 1993. Remarks on the trunk-shield structure in Homostius (Placodermi). Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 42, 4, 176-180. DOI:10.3176/geol.1993.4.05
Mark-Kurik, E. 1973. Kimaspis, a new Palaeacanthaspid from the Early Devonian of Central Asia. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Keemia, Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Химия. Геология 22, 4, 321-330. DOI:10.3176/chem.geol.1973.4.08
Heintz, A. 1934. Revision of the Estonian Arthrodira. Part I. Family Homostiidae Jaekel. Eesti Loodusteaduse Arhiiv X, 4, 1-115.
Asmuss, H. 1856. Das vollkommenste Hautskelet der bisher bekannten Thierreiche. An fossilen Fischen des Alten Rothen Sandsteins aufgefunden und aus ihren Resten erläutert: Abhandlung. pp. 1-39. Schünmanna Wittwe & C. Mattiesen.
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Chordata |
Subphylum | Vertebrata |
Infraphylum | Gnathostomata |
Class | Placodermi |
Order | Euarthrodira |
Suborder | Coccosteina |
Superfamily | Homostioidea |
Family | Homostiidae |
Genus | Homostius |
Species | latus |
sulcatus | |
unranked | milleri |