
Asterolepis estonica Gross, 1940

Synonymy list
1940     Asterolepis estonica n. sp. — Gross , pp. 20-36, fig. tabl. II, III:1,3-7; text fig.4,7,B,C,8,9
1958     Asterolepis estonica — Karatajute-Talimaa , pp. 261
1960     Asterolepis estonica — Karatajute-Talimaa , fig. 3:9,9a
1963     Asterolepis estonica Gross, 1940 — Karatajute-Talimaa , pp. 112, fig. I:1-7, 10-12; II: 1-3,5,6; III:1,2; XX:1; text fig
2000     Asterolepis estonica Gross, — Mark-Kurik , pp. 314
Selection of related publications
Karatajūtė-Talimaa, V. N. 1963. Genus Asterolepis from the Devonian deposits of Russian platform. The data of the geology of the Lithuania, pp. 65-168. The Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR.
Karatajūtė-Talimaa, V. N. 1960. Byssacanthus dilatatus (Eichw.) from the Middle Devonian of the U.S.S.R.. Collected papers for the XXI session of the International Geological Congress, pp. 293-305. Pargale.
Gross, W. 1940. Acanthodier und Placodermen aus den Heterostius-Schichten Estlands und Lettlands. Tartu Ülikooli juures oleva Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aruanded 46, 12-99.
References based on distribution