Illaenus wahlenbergi (Eichwald, 1825)
Synonymy list
1825 Cryptonymus wahlenbergii sp. nov. — Eichwald , pp. 50, fig. 4: 3a-c
1826 Trilobites (Asaphus) Esmarkii n. sp. — Schlotheim , pp. 315, fig. 1: 8a-c
1830 Cryptonymus crassicauda Wahlenberg — Eichwald , pp. 115
1857 III. Wahlenbergii — Eichwald , pp. 334
1863 Illaenus crassicauda var. Dalmani n. var. — Volborth , pp. 13, fig. 1: 11
1874 Illaenus wahlenbergi (Eichwald) — Steinhardt , pp. 44, fig. 3: 11a-d
1886 Illaenus revaliensis sp. nov. — Holm , pp. 87-92, fig. 2: 1-10
1905 Illaenus revaliensis Holm — Lamansky , pp. 67, 169
1907 Illaenus revaliensis Holm — Schmidt , pp. 48
1957 Illaenus wahlenbergi (Eichwald, 1825) — Jaanusson , pp. 139-142, fig. 7: 4-6
Selection of related publications
Pärnaste, H., Bergström, J., Zhou, Z.-Y. 2013. High-resolution trilobite stratigraphy of the Lower-Middle Ordovician Öland Series of Baltoscandia. Geological Magazine 150, 3, 509–518. DOI:10.1017/S0016756812000908
Holm, G. 1886. Die ostbaltischen Illaeniden. Revision der ostbaltischen Trilobiten. Abt. III. Illaeniden, pp. 1–173.
Eichwald, E. von 1825. Geognostico-zoologicae per Ingriam marisque Baltici provincias; nec non de Trilobitis observationes. pp. 1-58. Typis Universitatis Caesareis.
References based on distribution
- Eichwald, 1825
- Holm, 1886a
- Pärnaste et al., 2013 Valaste Substage