
Echinoidea Leske, 1778

sea urchins

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Bockelie, J. F., Briskeby, P. I. 1980. The presence of a bothriocidarid (Echinoid) in the Ordovician of Norway. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 60, 89-91.
Franzén, C. 1979. Echinoderms. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning 73, 3, 216-224.
Kier, P. M. 1973. A new Silurian echinoid genus from Scotland. Palaeontology 16, 4, 651 – 663.
Männil, R. M. 1962. The taxonomy and morphology of Bothriocidaris (Echinoidea). ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused IX, 143-181.
Regnéll, G. 1956. Silurian Echinoids from Gotland. Arkiv för kemi, mineralogi och geologi 2, 155-178.
Mortensen, T. 1930. Bothriocidaris and the Ancestry of Echinoids. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjobenhavn 90, 313-352.
Klem, M. J. 1904. A Revision of the Palaeozoic Palaeechinoidea, with a Synopsis of All Known Species. Transactions of the Academy of Science of Saint Louis 14, 1, 1-98.
Eichwald, E. 1860. Lethaea Rossica ou Paléontologie de la Russie. Premier volume. Ancienne Période en deux sections. pp. XIX+1–1657. E. Schweizerbart. DOI:10.5962/bhl.title.52391