
Conichnus conicus Männil, 1966

Taxon description

Vinn et al., 2015d

Short conical, limestone filled burrows with unornamented shafts, circular to elliptical in a transverse section. Limestone filling is often rich in fossil debris. No linings occur. The morphology of the Ordovician and Silurian specimens is slightly different. Silurian specimens are somewhat wider relative to their height than the Ordovician specimens. The Ordovician specimens are in average slightly higher than wide. 

Desai & Saklani, 2015

Tracemaker. Conichnus has been attributed to the activity of sea anemones (modern ceriantharid anemones) or similar animals (Shinn, 1968; Radwanski et al., 1975; Curran and Frey, 1977; Frey and Howard, 1981; Howard and Frey, 1984; Pemberton et al., 1992; MacEachern and Pemberton, 1992; Pollard et al., 1993; Savrda, 2002). The present structures (up to 1.8 m in length and 0.14 m in width) are large compared to  most other Conichnus. Very few examples of large Conichnus have been reported previously. Savrda (2002) described specimens up to 1.4 m long and 13-14 cm wide from Upper Cretaceous  Eutaw Formation of Alabama (USA), and Curran and  Frey (1977) noted specimens that are »3 m long and 24 cm in diameter from Pleistocene deposits of North Carolina (USA).

Synonymy list
1881     Stylolithenartige — Schmidt , pp. 33, fig. 6
1966     Conichnus conicus — Ralf Männil , pp. 201, fig. 1: 4-6; 2: 1, 4
1975     Conichnus conicus — Häntzschel , pp. W52, fig. 31.3.
1975     Conichnus conicus Männil, 1966 — Hantzschel , pp. W52, fig. 31.3
1979     Amphorichnus sp. — Hurst , fig. 14D,E
1981     Conichnus conicus Myannil, 1966 — Frey & Howard , pp. 800, fig. text fig. 1A, 2A-E
1984     Conichnus conicus Myannil, 1966 — Howard & Frey , pp. 203, fig. 7
1992     Conichnus conicus — Pickerill et al. , fig. 2c,d
2002     Conichnus conicus Männil, 1966 — Mangano et al. , pp. 29, fig. 28A-B
2006     Conichnus conicus Männil, 1966 — Ershova et al. , pp. 417
Selection of related publications
Hanken, N.-M., Uchman, A., Nielsen, J. K., Olaussen, S., Eggebø, T., Steinsland, R. 2016. Late Ordovician trace fossils from offshore to shallow water mixed siliciclastic and carbonate facies in the Ringerike Area, Oslo Region, Norway. Ichnos 23, 3-4, 189-221. DOI:10.1080/10420940.2016.1199427
Vinn, O., Wilson, M. A., Toom, U. 2015. Distribution of Conichnus and Amphorichnus in the Lower Paleozoic of Estonia (Baltica). Carnets de Géologie 15, 19, 269-278. DOI:10.4267/2042/58180
Landing, E., Peng, S., Babcock, L. E., Geyer, G., Moczydlowska-Vidal, M. 2007. Global standard names for the Lowermost Cambrian Series and Stage. Episodes 30, 4, 287-289. DOI:10.18814/epiiugs/2007/v30i4/004
Männil, Ralf 1966. O vertikal'nyh norkah zaryvaniâ v ordovikskih izvestnâkah Pribaltiki [О вертикальных норках зарывания в ордовикских известняках Прибалтики]. The organism and environment in the geological past, pp. 200-207. Nauka.
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioturbation trace fossils
References based on distribution