
Hemicosmites sphaericus Bockelie, 1979

Synonymy list
26     Hemicosmites sp. — Thorslund
729     Hemicosmites sp. nov. — Paul , pp. 729, fig. 138:1
1945     Hemicosmites extraneus — Regnéll , pp. 100, fig. 3:13-13
1948     Hemicosmites extraneus — Regnéll , pp. 30-13
1979     Hemicosmites sphaericus sp. nov. — Bockelie , pp. 390, fig. 41: 2,4,6, text fig. 6B,15,16
Selection of related publications
Bockelie, J. F. 1979. Taxonomy, functional morphology and palaeoecology of the Ordovician cystoid family Hemicosmitidae. Palaeontology 22, 2, 363-406.
References based on distribution