
Tabulata Milne-Edwards et Haime, 1850

Tabulate corals

Taxon overview


Tabulates, subclass or order Tabulata, are extinct corals of anthozoans. Tabulates, unlike rugosans, were always colonial organisms. They have simple calcareous skeleton, colonies consisting of prismatic or tube-like corallites communicating by mural pores or pore channels or tunnels. Polyps lived inside corallites as chambers with base-like tabulae below and septal spines or laminar septa on sides protruding from the corallite wall. Tabulate corals are taxonomically complicated because of their simplicity.  Favositids are characterized by closely packed corallites with mural-pores and their morphology is so variable that it differs even within a colony. Heliolitids are more complicated because of their coenenchymal tissue between corallites, which consists of tiny tubes - tubuli or wavy dissepiments. Halysitids are similar with having often coenenchyme, but their corallites are enclosed into ranks of various shape and size. Syringoporids form fasciculate colonies consisting of tubes having little space around and being connected by pore tunnels. Auloporids are reptant forms encrusting other organisms, as a small horny network.      


Tabulate corals occurred in the Ordovician Period of America and Siberia, much earlier than in Baltoscandia. The first appearances of tabulates Lyopora, Eoflecheria, Saffordophyllum and Protaraea in Baltica are known from the level of the Oandu Stage. Estonia is rich in Ordovician and Silurian tabulates, which are easy to find in localities of Hiiumaa, Vormsi and Saaremaa. Quarries in mainland are nice places to observe tabulates in their living position.

Investigation methods

Tabulates are large, but their finer taxonomy is observed only from peels and thin-sections. Normally pair of thin-sections is made from transverse and vertical directions of colony growth. Peel is an acetate replica from the polished and etched surface of the colony cut. Thin-sections are thin pieces of colonies, clued to glass and grinded down until 50 microns. Their scanned and photographed images are investigated later by using different software.

Role in geology

Tabulates are sessile organisms which preferred only shallow seas and are not mush useful in stratigraphy. They were spread on ancient oceans sporadically or formed bioherms or biostromes. Together with strtomatoporoids, rugosans and other fossils in the same community, they are informative in palaeoecology.  Sedimentological processes are readable also from the shape and growth details of such organisms.

Selection of related publications
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Vinn, O., Liang, K., Toom, U. 2017. Endobiotic rugose coral symbionts in Silurian tabulate corals from Estonia (Baltica). Palaios 32, 3, 158-165. DOI:10.2110/palo.2016.084
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Liang, K., Lee, D.-J., Elias, R. J., Pärnaste, H., Mõtus, M.-A. 2013. Growth characteristics of Protoheliolites norvegicus (Tabulata; Upper Ordovician; Estonia). Palaeontology 56, 4, 867-891. DOI:10.1111/pala.12022
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Vinn, O., Mõtus, M. 2012. Diverse early endobiotic coral symbiont assemblage from the Katian (Late Ordovician) of Baltica. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 321-322, 137-141. DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.01.028
Vinn, O., Wilson, M. A. 2012. Epi- and endobionts on the late Silurian (early Pridoli) stromatoporoids from the Saaremaa Island, Estonia. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 82, 3, 195-200.
Mõtus, M.-A., Vinn, O. 2009. The worm endosymbionts in tabulate corals from the Silurian of Podolia, Ukraine. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 58, 3, 185-192. DOI:10.3176/earth.2009.3.03
Vinn, O., Mõtus, M. 2008. The earliest endosymbiotic mineralized tubeworms from the Silurian of Podolia, Ukraine. Journal of Paleontology 82, 2, 409-414. DOI:10.1666/07-056.1
Mõtus, M.-A., Hints, O. (eds) 2007. 10th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera. Excursion B2: Lower Paleozoic geology and corals of Estonia. Excursion Guidebook. pp. 1-64. Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology.
Mõtus, M.-A., Grytsenko, V. 2007. Morphological variation of the tabulate coral Paleofavosites cf. collatatus Klaamann, 1961 from the Silurian of the Bagovichka River localities, Podolia (Ukraine). Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 56, 3, 143-156.
Mõtus, M.-A. 2006. Intraspecific variation in Wenlock tabulate corals from Saaremaa (Estonia) and its taxonomic implications. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 55, 1, 24-42. DOI:10.3176/geol.2006.1.02
Young, G. A., Kershaw, S. 2005. Classification and controls of internal banding in Palaeozoic stromatoporoids and colonial corals. Palaeontology 48, 3, 623-651. DOI:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2005.00480.x
Jeppsson, L., Calner, M., Eriksson, M. 2005. Locality descriptions. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Rapporter och Meddelanden 121, 22-47.
Mõtus, M.-A., Sandström, O. 2005. Cystihalysites sp. and its significance to biostratigraphy and event stratigraphy in the Ludlow (Late Silurian) of Gotland, Sweden. GFF 127, 4, 269-272. DOI:10.1080/11035890501274269
Mõtus, M.-A. 2004. Tabulate corals from the Lower Silurian of Jämtland (Sweden). GFF 126, 4, 339-352. DOI:10.1080/11035890401264339
Nestor, H., Einasto, R., Nestor, V., Märss, T., Viira, V. 2001. Description of the type section, cyclicity, and correlation of the Riksu Formation (Wenlock, Estonia). Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 50, 3, 149-173. DOI:10.3176/geol.2001.3.02
Mõtus, M.-A. 2001. Environment related morphological variation in Early Silurian tabulate corals from the Baltic area. Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum 1, 62-69.
Mõtus, M.-A., Klaamann, E. 1999. The halysitid coral genera Halysites and Cystihalysites from Gotland, Sweden. GFF 121, 2, 81-91. DOI:10.1080/11035899901212081
Dixon, O. A. 1996. Heliolitine corals of the upper Douro Formation (upper Silurian), Canadian Arctic Islands. Journal of Paleontology 70, 5, 718-740. DOI:10.1017/S0022336000023787
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Young, G. A., Scrutton, C. T. 1991. Growth form in Silurian heliolitid corals: the influence of genetics and environment. Paleobiology 17, 4, 369-387. DOI:10.1017/S009483730001071X
Neuman, B. E. E., Kershaw, S. 1991. VI International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria including Archaeocyatha and Porifera. Pre-Symposium excursion A1 Gotland/Sweden. pp. 1-111. University of Bergen.
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