
Euprimites locknensis (Thorslund, 1940)

Current taxon already exists. See initial taxon Euprimites intermedius

Taxon ID: 5252
Fossil group: Ostracoda
Belongs to: Euprimites
Other version of taxon: Euprimites intermedius
Stratigraphic range: Aseri StageKeila Stage (within ca. 463.8 – 454.2 million years)
Synonymy list
1940     Euprimitia (?) locknensis n. sp — Thorslund , fig. 4:7
1973     Euprimites locknensis (Thorslund, 1940) — Schallreuter , pp. 92-94, fig. 21:4-11
1976     Euprimites locknensis (Thorslund, 1940) — Jaanusson , pp. 312-313
1983     Euprimites locknensis (Thorslund, 1940) — Schallreuter , pp. 174
1992     Euprimites locknensis (Thorslund, 1940) — Sidaravičiene , pp. 98, fig. 25:12
Selection of related publications
Sidaravičiene, N. 1992. Ordovician ostracods of Lithuania. pp. 1-252. LitNIIGRI.
Jaanusson, V. 1957. Middle Ordovician Ostracodes of Central and Southern Sweden. Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala 37, 17, 173-442.
Thorslund, P. 1940. On the Chasmops series of Jämtland and Södermanland (Tvären). Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning 1-191.
References based on distribution