Unisulcopleura fastidiosa (Sarv, 1959)
Synonymy list
1959 Primitiella fastidiosa sp. n. — Sarv , pp. 30:1-4
1990 Primitiella ? fastidiosa Sarv, 1959 — Schallreuter , pp. 22
2010 Unisulcopleura fastidiosa (Sarv, 1959) — Tinn et al. , fig. 6Q-R
Selection of related publications
Kivioja, K. 2007. Osmussaare settesoonte ostrakoodifauna [Magistritöö. Juhendaja: O. Tinn]. pp. . Tartu Ülikool.
Sarv, L. 1959. Ordovician ostracodes in the Estonian S.S.R.. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused IV, 1-210.
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Arthropoda |
Subphylum | Crustacea |
Superclass | Oligostraca |
Class | Ostracoda |
Subclass | Podocopa |
Order | Platycopida |
Suborder | Cytherelliformes |
Superfamily | Kloedenellacea |
Family | Monotiopleuridae |
Genus | Unisulcopleura |
Species | ? lingua |
carina | |
fastidiosa | |
hinzae | |
irrete | |
punctosulcata | |
rakverensis | |
reticulata | |
tenuireticulata | |
tolmachovae | |
unisulcata | |
weitschati | |
Unisulcopleura? permulta |
References based on distribution
- Sarv, L., 1959 Paldiski
- Sarv, L., 1959 Väike-Pakri Island
- Sarv, L., 1959 Tiskre outcrop