Conchoprimitia socialis (Brøgger, 1882)
Synonymy list
1882 Leperditia (Isochilina?) socialis — Brögger , pp. 55, fig. 12:14
1949 Conehoides socialis — Hessland , pp. 154, fig. 1:3,4
2010 Conchoprimitia socialis (Brøgger, 1882) — Tinn et al. , pp. 603-614, fig. 4, 5, 6,7,
Selection of related publications
Tinn, O., Meidla, T., Sohar, K. 2010. Intraspecific variation and polymorphism in the ostracode Conchoprimitia socialis (Brogger, 1882) from the early Middle Ordovician Baltoscandian Paleobasin. Bulletin of Geosciences 85, 4, 603-616. DOI:10.3140/bull.geosci.1183
Öpik, A. 1939. Brachiopoden und Ostrakoden aus dem Expansusschiefer Norwegens. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 19, 117-142.
References based on distribution
- Öpik, 1939a
- Tinn et al., 2010a Slemmestad, Norway
- Tinn et al., 2010a Väike-Pakri Island
- Tinn et al., 2010a Päite cliff
- Tinn et al., 2010a Laeva 8 borehole
- Tinn et al., 2010a Jurmala R-1 borehole
- Tinn et al., 2010a Vergale 50 borehole