
Asperopora bellum (Pushkin, 1976)

Synonymy list
1976     Leioclema bellum Pushkin, sp. n — Pushkin , pp. 30, fig. XI 3, text fig. 13
2015     Asperopora bellum (Pushkin, 1976) — Ernst & Nakrem , pp. 72, fig. 7F-I
Selection of related publications
Ernst, A., Nakrem, H. 2015. Bryozoans from the lower Silurian (Wenlock) Steinsfjorden Formation of Ringerike, southern Norway. Bulletin of Geosciences 90, 1, 65-87. DOI:10.3140/bull.geosci.1521
Pushkin, V. I. 1976. Novye vidy ordovikskih i silurijskih mšanok Brestskoj vpadiny [Новые виды ордовикских и силурийских мшанок Брестской впадины]. New species of Ordovician and Silurian Bryozoans of the Brest Depression, pp. 5-40. Nauka i tehnika.
References based on distribution