
Parvohallopora ramosa (d’Orbigny, 1850)

Synonymy list
1850     Monticulipora ramosa sp. nov. — dOrbigny , pp. 25
1979     Parvohallopora ramosa (dOrbigny, 1850) — Singh , pp. 228, fig. 41:1-3,4a-c; 42:1,2,3a-c; 43:1a-c,2,3
1981     Parvohallopora ramosa (dOrbigny, 1850) — Brown & Daly , pp. 31, fig. 2, 3A-C
2007     Parvohallopora cf. ramosa (dOrbigny, 1850) — Jiménez-Sánchez , pp. 724, fig. 36D-F, table 19
2011     Parvohallopora ramosa (dOrbigny, 1850) — Ernst & Nakrem , pp. 26, fig. 6H-
Selection of related publications
Ernst, A., Nakrem, H. A. 2011. Stenolaemate bryozoans from the Mjøsa Formation (Late Ordovician, Katian) of Helgøya (Mjøsa), southern Norway. Norwegian Journal of Geology 91, 3, 163-180.
References based on distribution