Eostenopora Duncan, 1939
Selection of related publications
Kazantseva, E. S., Koromyslova, A. V., Krutykh, A. A. 2024. A new species of Mucophyllum rugose coral encrusted by bryozoans, tentaculoid tubeworms, and tabulates from the upper Silurian of Saaremaa, Estonia. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen 312, 3, 261-273. DOI:10.1127/njgpa/2024/1211
Ernst, A., Munnecke, A., Oswald, I. 2015. Exceptional bryozoan assemblage of a microbial-dominated reef from the early Wenlock of Gotland, Sweden. GFF 137, 2, 102-125. DOI:10.1080/11035897.2014.997543
Pushkin, V. I., Nehkorosheva, L. V., Kopaevich, G. V., Yaroshinskaya, A. M. 1990. Pržidol'skie mšanki SSSR [Пржидольские мшанки СССР]. pp. 1-125. Nauka.
Pushkin, V. I. 1976. Novye vidy ordovikskih i silurijskih mšanok Brestskoj vpadiny [Новые виды ордовикских и силурийских мшанок Брестской впадины]. New species of Ordovician and Silurian Bryozoans of the Brest Depression, pp. 5-40. Nauka i tehnika.
List of species
1. Eostenopora ochesaarensis Pushkin, 1990 | Kuressaare Stage
2. Eostenopora peculiare (Bassler, 1906) | Wenlock
3. Eostenopora planiformis Kopajevich, 1990 | Kaugatuma Stage
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Bryozoa |
Class | Stenolaemata |
Superorder | Palaeostomata |
Order | Trepostomata |
Suborder | Amplexoporina |
Family | Stenoporidae |
Subfamily | Eridotrypellinae |
Genus | Eostenopora |
Species | ochesaarensis |
peculiare | |
picta | |
planiformis | |
prodiga | |
Genus | Eridotrypella |