
Bothriolepis jani Lukševičs, 1986

Synonymy list
1986     Bothriolepis jani Lukshevich, sp. nov. — Lukševičs , pp. 131, fig. text fig. 1,2
2001     Bothriolepis jani Lukševičs, 1986 — Lukševičs , pp. 569, fig. 55-61
Selection of related publications
Lukševičs, E. V. 1986. Novaâ pancirnaâ ryba (Antiarchi) iz Tervetskoj svity Latvii [Новая панцирная рыба (Antiarchi) из терветской свиты Латвии]. Biofacies and fauna of the Silurian and Devonian basins of the Baltic, pp. 131-137. Zinatne.
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