
Wetheredella silurica Wood, 1948

Current taxon already exists. See initial taxon Allonema botellus

Taxon ID: 8209
Fossil group: Plantae
Belongs to: Wetheredella
Other version of taxon: Allonema botellus
Synonymy list
1948     Wetheredella silurica sp. nov. — Wood , pp. 21, 22, fig. 3B, 5B
1979     Wetheredella silurica — Riding , pp. 55, fig. 1
1986     Wetheredella silurica — Radionova & Einasto , pp. 182
1991     Wetheredella silurica Wood — Kõrts , pp. 44, fig. 1
2014     Allonema silurica (Wood, 1948) — Jarochowska & Munnecke , pp. 653, fig. 1a-f;2a-c;5a,c
Selection of related publications
Jarochowska, E., Munnecke, A. 2014. The Paleozoic problematica Wetheredella and Allonema are two aspects of the same organism. Facies 60, 2, 651-662. DOI:10.1007/s10347-014-0399-z
Kõrts, A. 1991. Distribution of calcareous algae, oncolites and stromatolites in Wenlock-Ludlow boundary beds in Estonia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 40, 2, 43-49. DOI:10.3176/geol.1991.2.02
Radionova, E., Einasto, R. 1986. The algal communities, their facies relations in the East Baltic Wenlock and Ludlow. Theory and practice of ecostratigraphy, pp. 163-185. Valgus.
Riding, R. 1979. Calcareous algae. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning 73, 3, 54-62.
References based on distribution