
Grewingkia contexta Neuman, 1969

Synonymy list
1969     Grewingkia contexta n. sp. — Neuman , pp. 43, fig. 34A-F, 35A-C, 36A-F, 37A-K, 38
1982     Grewingkia contexta Neuman, 1969 — Latypov , pp. 61, fig. Pl. 2:1-2
1986     Grewingkia contexta Neuman, 1969 — Sultanbekova , pp. 77, fig. Pl. 16:1-3
Selection of related publications
Neuman, B. E. E. 2003. The new early Palaeozoic rugose coral genera Eurogrewingkia gen. nov. and Fosselasma gen. nov.. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 52, 4, 199-212. DOI:10.3176/geol.2003.4.02
References based on distribution