
Leioclema gracilense Astrova, 1965

Synonymy list
1965     Lioclema gracilense sp. nov. — Astrova , pp. 216, fig. XLV 3
1970     Lioclema gracilense Astrova — Astrova & Kopaevich , pp. 133, fig. table 14
Selection of related publications
Astrova, G. G., Kopajevich, V. G. 1970. Bryozoa. The Silurian of Estonia, pp. 130-140. Valgus.
Astrova, G. G. 1965. Morfologiâ, istoriâ razvitiâ i sistema ordovikskih i silurijskih mšanok. Transactions of the Paleontological Institute (PIN) 106, 1-432. Nauka.
References based on distribution