
Discoceras roemeri Strand, 1934

Type specimen data
Synonymy list
256     Schroederoceras reomeri (Strand), 1934 — Balashov , pp. VII5,6,7; XIII 3
1840     non Discocers antiquissimum — Eichwald
1861     Lituites antiquissimus — Roemer , pp. 62, fig. 6:2a-e
1934     Discoceras roemeri n. sp. — Strand , pp. 38; 42-43, fig. 2:6a-b,7; 5:1,2
1956     Schroederoceras balaschovi — Stumbur , pp. 181, fig. 1:5,6
1957     Discoceras angulatum — Mutvei , fig. 8, text fig. 12
1958     Discoceras roemeri — Sweet , pp. 99, 102, fig. text fig. 13p
1962     Schroederoceras reomeri — Stumbur , pp. 136, fig. text fig. 2.4
1962     Rectanguloceras balaschovi — Stumbur , pp. 142, fig. text fig. 2.9
1973     Rectanguloceras (Discoceras) cf. roemeri — Neben & Krueger , fig. 65:1,2
Selection of related publications
Kröger, B. 2013. The cephalopods of the Boda Limestone, Late Ordovician, of Dalarna, Sweden. European Journal of Taxonomy 41, 41, 1-110. DOI:10.5852/ejt.2013.41
Stumbur, H. A. 1956. On the nautiloids of Kohila Subseries (Upper Ordovician of East Baltic). Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli Toimetised 42, 176-185.
References based on distribution