Parastriatoporidae Tchudinova, 1959
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Mõtus, M.-A., Hints, O. (eds) 2007. 10th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera. Excursion B2: Lower Paleozoic geology and corals of Estonia. Excursion Guidebook. pp. 1-64. Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology.
Mõtus, M.-A. 2004. Tabulate corals from the Lower Silurian of Jämtland (Sweden). GFF 126, 4, 339-352. DOI:10.1080/11035890401264339
Klaamann, E. 1983. The Tabulate corals of Jaani and Jaagarahu Stages (Wenlockian, Estonia) and their Biozones. Lower Paleozoic paleontology of Baltics and Podolia, pp. 3-40. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituut.
Klaamann, E. R. 1966. On the systematic position of Favosites coreaniformis Sokolov. Proc. of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR. Ser. Biol. XV, 3, 452-458.
Klaamann, E. R. 1962. Distribution of tabulata in the Ordovician and Silurian of Estonia (with a description of some new species). ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused X, 149-169.
Klaamann, E. R. 1962. Upper Silurian Tabulata of Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused IX, 25-70.
Leitud liigid
1. Parastriatopora celebrata Klaamann, 1962 | Raikküla lade
2. Parastriatopora commutabilis Klaamann, 1962 | Rootsiküla lade
3. Parastriatopora coreaniformis (Sokolov, 1952) | Paadla lade
4. Parastriatopora mirifica Klaamann, 1962 | Raikküla lade
5. Parastriatopora priva Klaamann, 1983 | Jaagarahu lade
organismirühm | Biota |
riik | Animalia |
hõimkond | Cnidaria |
alamhõimkond | Anthozoa |
alamklass | Tabulata |
selts | Favositida |
alamselts | Favositina |
sugukond | Cleistoporidae |
Favositidae | |
Multisoleniidae | |
Pachyporidae | |
Parastriatoporidae | |
perekond | Parastriatopora |
sugukond | Pseudofavositidae |
Syringolitidae | |
Thamnoporidae |