Phycodes palmatus (Hall, 1852)
Stachacz, 2016
Description. Hypichnial or endichnial, horizontal initial stem subdivided into 3–5 smooth, cylindrical branches diverging from the same point. The common stem is 20–30 mm wide; the diverging branches are 10–15 mm wide and 10–25 cm long.
Knaust, 2004
Horizontal hypichnial burrow system at the interface of a fine-grained sandstone and claystone with a slightly curved stem, 12mm in diameter, from which four gently curved and closely spaced burrows branch out.The distal parts of the branches are not preserved. Their oval cross-sections probably result from compaction. Burrow diameter is 8–10mm in the horizontal and 3–5mm in the vertical axis.
Mángano et al., 2002a
Horizontal branching system, consisting of a few branches developed from a single proximal tunnel and arranged in a digitate pattern. Branches taper laterally. Diameter of individual branches is highly variable. Tunnel fill similar to host rock. Trace diameter 5.3-8.1 mm. Lenght of structure 66.4mm. Preserved as positive hyporelief.
- Knaust, 2004
- Jensen, 1997 Lugnås Alam-Kambrium (endine liigestus)
- Clausen & Vilhjálmsson, 1986 Broens Odde paljand, Bornholm Alam-Kambrium (endine liigestus)
- Jensen & Grant, 1998 Luovårri, Rootsi Alam-Kambrium (endine liigestus)