
Monomorphichnus bilinearis Crimes, 1970

Taksoni kirjeldused

Gibb et al., 2017

Diagnosis. (Amended from Crimes, 1970b). Monomorphichnus composed of series of straight or slightly sigmoidal, paired ridges, repeated laterally, with one ridge of pair more prominent than other.

Description. (Amended from Crimes, 1970b , pp. 57—58, and Fillion and Pickerill, 1990, p. 41). Series of two to ten parallel, straight to slightly curved bifid ridges 2 to 4 cm long. Laterally repeated. Approximately 4 cm between each set. Of each pair of ridges, one was more deeply incised than other.

1970     Monomorphichnus bilinearis ichnogen et ichnosp. nov. — Crimes , lk. 57
1985     Monomorphichnus bilinearis Crimes, 1970 — Crimes & Anderson , lk. 326, joon. 6.11, 8.2
1985     Monomorphichnus bilinearis Crimes, 1970 — Legg , lk. 157, joon. 2A, B
1992     Monomorphichnus bilinearis Crimes, 1970 — Pickerill , lk. 27, joon. 3C
1998     Monomorphichnus bilinearis Crimes, 1970 — Stanley & Pickerill , lk. 19, joon. 7:1
2013     Monomorphichnus bilinearis Crimes, 1970 — Rajkonwar et al. , lk. 26, joon. 3d
2017     Monomorphichnus bilinearis Crimes, 1970 — Gibb et al. , lk. 113, joon. 14D, 16A
2018     Monomorphichnus bilinearis Crimes, 1970 — Hammersburg et al. , lk. 26, joon. Fig. 14.2, Fig.23.5