
Treptichnus lublinensis Pacześna, 1986

Taksoni kirjeldused

Pacześna, 1996

Description. A crowded system of fine burrows arranged irregularly at an angle to the long axis of the trace. Burrow surface is smooth. Traces occur as irregular, meandering chains on bedding surfaces and occur as convex hypichnia.

Remarks. Treptichnus lublinensis differs from other ichnospecies of Treptichnus in their tendency to form meandering chains, the irregular shape of branching burrows, and their crowded arrangement relative to the long axis of the trace.

1986     Treptichnus lublinensis nov. ichnosp — Paczesna , joon. Pl. 5:1
1996     Treptichnus lublinensis Paczesna, 1986 — Paczesna , lk. 62, joon. Pl. XXII:1, 2, 4
2017     Treptichnus lublinensis Paczesna, 1986 — Singh et al. , lk. 43, joon. Figs. 2. A, B