
Cicatricula retiformis Palmer et Palmer, 1977

Current taxon already exists. See initial taxon Dictyoporus nodosus

Taxon ID: 15826
Fossiilirühm: Ichnofossils
Kuulub: Cicatricula
Other version of taxon: Dictyoporus nodosus
Stratigraafiline levik: Ordoviitsium (vahemikus u 485.4
Taksoni kirjeldused

Palmer & Palmer, 1977

Diagnosis.- Cicatricula whose individual canals range from 0.08 to 0.32 mm in diameter, most falling in the range of 0.12-0.20 mm. The canals are sinuous, and branch at least every millimetre. The whole boring may reach a size of 14 mm across, and is circular or oval in plan.

Discussion. - The individual canals of Cicatricula retiformis are too large to be of fungal or algal origin. A sponge is more likely to have been responsible. The widened, rounded corners of the bifurcations and intersections are reminiscent of CIiona borings.This characteristic is not typical of boring bryozoans or phoronids, which furthermore normally produce long straight, or gently curving tubules (see Pohowsky 1974; Voigt 1975).

1977     Cicatricula retiformis ichnosp. nov. — Palmer & Palmer , lk. 186, joon. 6
Bioerosional trace fossils