
Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke, 1908

Taksoni kirjeldused

Blissett & Pickerill, 2004a

Description — The figured specimen is a U-shaped boring having cylindrical limbs separated by a vane at its distal end and constricting to an axial depression towards the proximal extremity. The limbs and vane are only pronounced on the side facing the substrate (inward-
facing). Only a slight impression of the limbs arid vane are preserved on the outward-facing margin. The diameter of the limbs decreases to approximately 0.3 mm at the vertex, but otherwise remains constant at 0.4 mm. The structure, 4 mm in length, is curved close to the
vertex and slightly twisted towards the aperture. The aperture is concealed.

1908     Caulostrepsis taeniola — Clarke , lk. 169, joon. Pl. 12:3,4
1921     Caulostrepsis taeniola — Clarke , lk. 99, joon. Fig. 84
1928     Caulostrepsis taeniola — Richter , lk. 224, joon. text fig. 11; pl. 3:4
1944     Caulostrepsis dunbari — Condra & Elias
1991     Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke, 1908 — Radtke , lk. 51-52, joon. Taf. 3, fig. 2. Abb. 20
2004     Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke, 1908 — Blissett & Pickerill , lk. 171, joon. 3/1
2008     Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke, 1908 — Rodrigues et al. , joon. 6A,
2017     Caulostrepsis taeniola — Charó et al. , lk. 1220