Megagrapton irregulare Książkiewicz, 1968
Taksoni kirjeldused
Uchman, 1998
Emended diagnosis: Megagrapton with meshes bordered by only slightly winding strings, which commonly branch at approximately right angle.
1968 Megagrapton irregulare n. sp. — Książkiewicz , lk. 5, joon. 3:1
1998 Megagrapton irregulare Książkiewicz, 1968 — Uchman , lk. 193, joon. 104
2005 Megagrapton irregulare Książkiewicz, 1968 — Uchman et al. , lk. 124, joon. 20A
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Uchman, A., Hanken, N.-M., Binns, R. 2005. Ordovician Bathyal Trace Fossils From Metasiliciclastics in Central Norway and Their Sedimentological and Paleogeographical Implications. Ichnos 12, 2, 105-133. DOI:10.1080/10420940590914534
organismirühm | Biota |
ihnorühm | Ichnofossils |
Bioturbation trace fossils | |
perekond | Megagrapton |
liik | angulare |
irregulare | |
submontanum |
Levik kirjandusandmetel
- Uchman et al., 2005b Ordoviitsium