
Oldhamia antiqua Kinhan, 1858

Taksoni kirjeldused

Seilacher et al., 2005

Emended Diagnosis: Oldhamiain which divergingcurved to straight probings display a palm leaf ar-rangement or resemble rays of fireworks. Successiveprobings are separated by narrow strips of unexploredsedimen.

Lindholm & Casey, 1990

Description. A series of two or more semicircular or stellate fans of radiating burrows that connect via a stemlike burrow. Connecting burrow extends from either a central or lateral position to connect at the base of the succeeding fan. Thus, fans line up in either a zigzag or linear, tandemlike fashion. Length of the connecting burrow is variable but generally at least  2-5 mm longer than other burrows. As a result, individual fans are most commonly separated from other fans and do not overlap. However, in some specimens, connecting burrow is the same length or only slightly longe; than other burrows, resulting in some overlap of successive fans. All burrows in a fan converge to a point at the base that is V- or U-shaped.

1858     Oldhamia antiqua Forbes, 1849 — Kinhan , lk. 69
1895     Oldhamia (Murchisonites) occidens — Walcott , lk. 314-315, joon. Fig. 1
1904     Oldhamia (Murchisonites) occidens — Dale , lk. 3, joon. Fig. 1
1929     Oldhamia occidens — Ruedemann , lk. 47-55, joon. Fig. 28-29
1942     Oldhamia antiqua Forbes, 1849 — Ruedemann , joon. Figs. 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.4
1942     Oldhamia smithi — Ruedemann , lk. 10, joon. Fig. 3.5
1962     Oldhamia smithi — Neuman , joon. Fig. 2
1978     Oldhamia antiqua Kinahan, 1858 — Kowalski , lk. 24, joon. Plate I:4-7
1990     Oldhamia kernnesraniensis — El Hassani & Willefert , lk. 234, joon. Fig. 1.1-1.4; 1.7-1.8
1990     Oldhamia flabellata — El Hassani & Willefert , lk. 234, joon. Fig. 1.5-1.6