
Cubiculum cooperi Parkinson, 2016

Taksoni kirjeldused

Parkinson, 2016

Diagnosis: Discrete oval borings embedded in bone with straight walls running perpendicular to the bone surface. Bottoms are flat and run parallel to the bone surface (Figs. 2B, 4B, 4C). The contact between the walls and the bottom are predominately sharp but may be slightly rounded. The length is roughly double the maximum width. The trace either occurs individually (Fig. 4C) or in clusters (Fig. 4B) of two to four borings. In clusters traces infrequently intersect (Fig. 4B) but in general show no consistent orientation to one another.

2016     Cubiculum cooperi isp. nov. — Parkinson , lk. 328-329, joon. Fig. 4