
Walcottia rugosa Miller et Dyer, 1878

Taksoni kirjeldused

Osgood, 1970

Diagnosis. - Slender vermiform trace fossils preserved as convex hyporeliefs which possess obliquely directed parallel lobes. The closely spaced lobes are ridgelike and, where present, tend to obscure the body. The form tapers at one end and terminates at the other in a structureless ovoid mass

1886     Walcottia rugosa — Miller & Dyer , lk. 161-162
1970     Walcottia rugosa Miller and Dyer — Osgood , lk. 378, joon. Pl. 69, fig 5
1978     Walcottia rugosa — Miller & Dyer , lk. 39, joon. pl. 2 figs 11,11a