
Cylindrichnus operosus Orłowski, 1989

Current taxon already exists. See initial taxon Rosselia socialis

Taxon ID: 17686
Fossiilirühm: Ichnofossils
Other version of taxon: Rosselia socialis
Stratigraafiline levik: Alam-Kambrium (endine liigestus) (vahemikus u 542.0 – 521.0 mln a)
Taksoni kirjeldused

Knaust, 2021c

Revised diagnosis. (After Uchman & Krenmayr 1995) Unbranched, inclined to vertical Rosselia with a funnel-shaped or bulbous aperture with passively filled cylindrical tube(s) occupying a minor fraction of the funnel.

Orłowski, 1989

Diagnosis. -Single subconical, vertical pipes, with broad and short funnel, with inner structures repeating the shape of outer wall. 

1989     Cylindrichnus operosus ichnosp. n — Orłowski , lk. 218, joon. 15:1-3
2016     Cylindrichnus operosus Orlowski, 1989 — Stachacz , lk. 405, joon. 13A, B
2021     Rosselia socialis Dahmer, 1937 — Knaust