
Cruziana tortworthi Crimes, 1975

Taksoni kirjeldused

Crimes, 1975c

Trilobite furrows, normally with genal spine grooves, well-developed endopodal lobes and occasional external brush-marks. The endopodal markings are sometimes associated in twos and threes. Deeper, more regular and regularly spaced markings are also present associated in groups of 5 or more. The endopodal markings criss-cross at acute angles and tend either to run across the trace subparallel to the central medial line or to swing postero-laterally into this alignment, giving a low V-angle (less than 30° in the type specimen).
1975     Cruziana tortworthi isp. nov. — Crimes , lk. 36, joon. Figs 3, 5b; Plate 2