Taphrhelminthopsis minimus Pacześna, 1996
Taksoni kirjeldused
Pacześna, 1996
Description. Very fine, bilobate trace with clearly developed centrally situated furrow. Surface of lobes is smooth. Traces can form irregular meanders that do not cross themselves and occur in semi-relief as convex hypichnia. Comparison. The basis for distinguishing a new ichnospecies is primarily the exceptionally fine dimensions of the trace and the distinctly weaker tendency to meander than that developed in comparison with Taphrhelminthopsis from the Carpathian Flysch. Taphrhelminthopsis minimus nov. ichnosp. differs from Bilinichnus Fedonkin et Palij above all in its irregular course with a tendency to form meanders and clear bilobateness.
1996 Taphrhelminthopsis minimus nov. ichnosp. — Paczesna , lk. 65, joon. Pl 26:1,2
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Pacześna, J. 1996. The Vendian and Cambrian ichnocoenoses from the Polish part of the East-European Platform. Prace Państwowego Instytu Geologicznego 152, 1-77.
organismirühm | Biota |
ihnorühm | Ichnofossils |
Bioturbation trace fossils | |
perekond | Taphrhelminthopsis |
liik | minimus |
Levik kirjandusandmetel
- Pacześna, 1996 Olsztyn IG 2 puurauk, Poola 2582.7 - 2582.7 Alam-Kambrium (endine liigestus)