
Caryocystites Buch, 1844

Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Bockelie, J. F. 1981. Morphology, growth and taxonomy of the Ordovician rhombiferan Caryocystites. GFF 103, 4, 499-513. DOI:10.1080/11035898209453727
Regnéll, G. 1945. Non-Crinoid Pelmatozoa from the Paleozoic of Sweden. A taxonomic study. Meddelanden från Lunds Geologisk-Mineralogiska Institution 108, 1-255. Carl Bloms Boktryckeri.
Hecker, R. F. 1923. Echinosphaeritidae of the Silurian of Russia. Trav. Mus. Géol. Min. Pierre le Grand Acad. Sci. Russie IV, 1, 1-63.
Jaekel, O. 1899. Stammesgesihichte der Pelmatozoen. Erster Band. Thecoidea und Cystoidea. pp. 1-441. Verlag von Julius Springer.