Sphaeronitida Neumayr, 1889
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Sheffield, S. L., Lam, A. R., Phillips, S. F., Deline, B. 2022. Morphological Dynamics and Response Following the Dispersal of Ordovician–Silurian Diploporan Echinoderms to Laurentia. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan 34, 9, 123-140. DOI:10.7302/4375
Paul, C. R. C., Bockelie, J. F. 1983. Evolution and Functional Morphology of the Cystoid Sphaeronites in Britain and Scandinavia. Palaeontology 26, 4, 687-734.
Bockelie, J. F. 1981. Symmetry and ambulacral pattern of the rhombiferan superfamily Caryocystitida and the relationship to other Blastozoa. GFF 103, 4, 491-498. DOI:10.1080/11035898209453726
Regnéll, G. 1945. Non-Crinoid Pelmatozoa from the Paleozoic of Sweden. A taxonomic study. Meddelanden från Lunds Geologisk-Mineralogiska Institution 108, 1-255. Carl Bloms Boktryckeri.
Jaekel, O. 1899. Stammesgesihichte der Pelmatozoen. Erster Band. Thecoidea und Cystoidea. pp. 1-441. Verlag von Julius Springer.
Leitud liigid
4. Eucystis langoeyensis Bockelie, 1984 | Hirnanti lade
7. Haplosphaeronis bratterudensis Bockelie, 1984 | Kesk-Ordoviitsium
8. Haplosphaeronis kiaeri Jaekel, 1926 | Ülem-Ordoviitsium
9. Haplosphaeronis oblonga (Angelin, 1878) | Ülem-Ordoviitsium
10. Pachycystis norvegica Bockelie, 1984 | Hirnanti lade
11. Parasphaeronites socialis Bockelie, 1984 | Hirnanti lade
13. Sphaeronites (Peritaphros) pauciscleritatus Paul et Bockelie, 1983 | Ülem-Ordoviitsium
14. Sphaeronites (Peritaphros) variabilis Paul et Bockelie, 1983 | Katy lade
16. Sphaeronites (Sphaeronites) pomum Gyllenhaal, 1772 | Darriwili lade
17. Tetreucystis elongata Bockelie, 1984 | Katy lade
18. Tetreucystis kalvoeyensis Bockelie, 1984 | Katy lade
organismirühm | Biota |
riik | Animalia |
hõimkond | Echinodermata |
alamhõimkond | Blastozoa |
klass | Diploporita |
ülemsugukond | Asteroblastida |
Glyptosphaeritida | |
Sphaeronitida | |
sugukond | Holocystitidae |
Parasphaeronitidae | |
Sphaeronitidae |