
Klimphores simplex (Neckaja, 1958)

1958     Ulrichia simplex Neckaja, sp. n. — Neckaja , lk. 253-254, joon. 3:11
1966     Klimphores simplex — Schallreuter , lk. 394, 397
1971     Klimphores simplex (Neckaja) — Gailite , lk. 43
1992     Klimphores simplex (Neckaja) — Sidaravičiene , lk. 161-162
1996     Klimphores simplex (Neckaja, 1958) — Meidla , lk. 81, joon. 15:7
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Meidla, T. 1996. Late Ordovician Ostracodes of Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 2. pp. 1-222. Tartu University Press.
Sidaravičiene, N. 1992. Ordovician ostracods of Lithuania. pp. 1-252. LitNIIGRI.
Gailite, L. 1971. Ostracoda of the family Bolliidae Bouček in the Ordovician of Latvia. Palaeontology and stratigraphy of the Baltic and Byelorussia. Number III, pp. 37-50. Mintis.
Schallreuter, R. 1969. Untergattungen der Ostrakodengattung Platybolbina. Geologie 18, 7, 877-879.
Levik kirjandusandmetel